Reimagining Teacher Preparation and Development: Equipping the Whole Educator to Reach and Teach the Whole Child

Dr. Rebecca Baelen presenting "Promoting a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens Among Education Faculty"

Dr. Rebecca Baelen (CRTWC Executive Director) will be presenting a session entitled, "Promoting a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens Among Education Faculty" at the 2025 Annual Meeting for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. The session will highlight CRTWC's collaborative efforts to equip teacher education program faculty across Oregon with a whole child lens. The conference will be held in Long Beach, CA from February 21 - 23.

“Beyond Good Intentions: How a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Competency Framework Leads to Improvements in Teacher Preparation”

We are excited to announce the recent publication of the article by Nancy L. Markowitz and Suzanne M. Bouffard in the journal, Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy.

2024 Annual Report

We are excited to share our 2024 Annual Report with you! This report highlights our growth, impact, and reach over this past year (Fall 2023 – Fall 2024) – all made possible by our dedicated team, partners, and supporters.

CRTWC awarded $60,000 grant from the Oregon Community Foundation

The Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child was awarded a $60,000 grant from the Oregon Community Foundation in November, 2024 to support the facilitation of the Teacher Educator Institute - an institute for teacher education program faculty from across the state of Oregon.

Our Mission

The Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child believes that educational change starts with educators. Our goals are to build educators’ capacity to provide a safe, brave and supportive learning environment; promote equity in teaching and learning; build resilience and sense of optimism; enable academic success; and inspire responsibility for the greater good.

We envision a world in which educators are supported to continually develop their own social, emotional, and cultural competencies. Educators, in turn, consistently support the development of their students’ social, emotional, and cultural competencies so that children are resilient and able to reach their full potential.

We are a community of educators committed to teacher and student well-being. All of our actions, decisions, and goals are driven by the belief that every child deserves a quality education and, in order to achieve this, we must adopt a lens that integrates social, emotional and cultural teaching practices in all aspects of the curriculum and learning environment.

Our Framework

Our guiding framework, the Anchor Competencies Framework serves as a roadmap for helping teacher educators, education leaders, and teachers to develop a holistic approach to teaching and learning – an approach that focuses on developing whole educators to ensure they are equipped to reach and teach the whole student. The Framework emphasizes the need for supporting educators’ own social and emotional competencies with an attention to their context. In so doing, educators are prepared to create safe, supportive, and engaging classroom environments where all students can grow, thrive, and learn.

The Framework also provides a common language and set of approaches for educators, schools, and institutions to integrate a focus on students’ social and emotional competency development with an attention to the context that they bring to the learning environment. It defines seven social and emotional competencies, together with suggested teacher moves and specific teaching strategies – all underscored by the notion that is critical to attend to the context within which the person lives, in order to teach the whole person (both child and adult) (Markowitz & Bouffard, 2020).

With over 15 years of experience working at the state, district, county office, and university teacher preparation level, the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC) has been transforming the way we prepare and support educators across the United States – providing a more holistic model of teaching and learning that centers the educator’s own social and emotional development and well-being. For instance, CRTWC has provided year-long professional learning institutes for faculty from teacher education programs across the country designed to deepen their understanding of the Framework and support their integration of it into their programs. CRTWC’s Framework has also been used to inform the creation of new state standards for Educator Preparation Programs in Oregon and novel Grow-Your-Own teacher licensure pathways. Additionally, CRTWC works closely with districts, county offices, and teacher education programs across the Bay Area and California to integrate a focus on whole child development into their teacher preparation and development efforts.

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