A paradigm shift in teacher preparation: Equipping teachers and teacher educators with a social, emotional, and cultural lens

Sharing Our Work and Impact

Members of our CRTWC team will be presenting at two upcoming conferences (the SEL Exchange & Learning Forward Conferences) and a member of our team recently co-authored a journal article focused on the impact of adults' emotional schema in relation to student SEL.

CRTWC receives a $15,000 grant donation from the Margaret & Kapil Nanda Family Foundation

The grant will support the development of resources that will support teacher educators and beginning teachers with developing their social, emotional, and cultural lens.

CRTWC receives a $70,000 grant from the Oregon Community Foundation

The Oregon Community Foundation awarded the grant to CRTWC to provide a Teacher Educator Institute (TEI) for preservice programs across the state of Oregon! This initiative supports the implementation of. Oregon’s new teacher preparation standards for social, emotional, and culturally sustaining teaching practices, using the CRTWC Anchor Competencies Framework.

Rebecca Baelen Named Executive Director At The Center For Reaching & Teaching The Whole Child (CRTWC)

Rebecca Baelen is thrilled to begin her role as Executive Director at the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC), leading the organization into its newest chapter – CRTWC 2.0!

Our Approach

“When your child or grandchild walks through the doors of school on the first day, she is entering an unacknowledged lottery. That lottery may place her in a classroom with a teacher who fosters growth mindset and encourages her self-regulation skills, or in one where she will disengage after being shamed for not mastering content quickly, or left behind because the teacher believes students should sink or swim. That child’s odds are further complicated by race, class, and culture, by the implicit and often unacknowledged biases all of us hold about one another, and the impact that differences in cultural background can play in how students and teachers interpret behavior and social cues…

The work of CRTWC is about changing those odds. The CRTWC Anchor Competencies Framework and our professional development initiatives lay out a comprehensive approach and provide a set of resources for making the social, emotional, and cultural dimensions of teaching and learning a fundamental priority that can be woven into all schools and teaching preparation programs in meaningful ways, regardless of a school’s resources, curricular programs, or population.” (Markowitz and Bouffard, 2020)

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Our Mission

The Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child believes that educational change starts with educators. Our goals are to build educators’ capacity to provide a safe, brave and supportive learning environment; promote equity in teaching and learning; build resilience and sense of optimism; enable academic success; and inspire responsibility for the greater good.

We envision a world in which educators are supported to continually develop their own social, emotional, and cultural competencies. Educators, in turn, consistently support the development of their students’ social, emotional, and cultural competencies so that children are resilient and able to reach their full potential.

We are a community of educators committed to teacher and student well-being. All of our actions, decisions, and goals are driven by the belief that every child deserves a quality education and, in order to achieve this, we must adopt a lens that integrates social, emotional and cultural teaching practices in all aspects of the curriculum and learning environment.

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