Reflections on the Minneapolis TEI Kick-Off Retreat

The Minneapolis TEI Kick-Off Retreat was an inspiring event that allowed the CRTWC to build a thriving professional learning community with Special Education teacher educators within the Minneapolis School District. Over two days, 15 educators participated in workshops and lively discussions, deepening their understanding of the CRTWC Anchor Competencies Framework. Participants began to examine their social, emotional, and cultural knowledge, learning how to integrate these competencies into the Minneapolis Public Schools Academy coursework and the field experiences they will lead with their teacher candidates.
Here are just a few perspectives shared with us by the participants:

Our retreat participants shared that they were engaged in “safe and brave discussions.” One exercise encouraged them to reflect on what makes a space safe and brave. Their reflections prompted a set of mutual agreements to ensure everyone’s opinions and perspectives were understood, heard, and respected.

Another memorable takeaway from the retreat was the facilitators’ modeling of “generative practices for building trust.” By embracing vulnerability themselves and encouraging it among participants, they set a powerful example for all of us. Their thoughtful approach fostered a safe, trusting, and open environment that generated a profound sense of community.

Through an earnest conversation with our learning community, a participant expressed deep appreciation for the facilitators’ “humble intake of feedback,” which demonstrated the vulnerability and cultural responsiveness they seek in their candidates. This interaction served as an enriching learning experience that enabled deeper connections within our community.

The retreat laid a strong foundation for participants to incorporate the Anchor Competencies Framework into future educational practices. Above all, it showcased the transformative impact of collective learning and development and paved the way for meaningful educational experiences throughout the Minneapolis Teacher Educator Institute. At CRTWC, we are thrilled to continue working and learning together this year!

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