“Beyond Good Intentions: How a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Competency Framework Leads to Improvements in Teacher Preparation”

We are excited to announce the recent publication of the article “Beyond Good Intentions: How a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Competency Framework Leads to Improvements in Teacher Preparation” by Nancy L. Markowitz and Suzanne M. Bouffard in the journal, Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy.

Markowitz, N. L., & Bouffard, S. M. (2025). Beyond Good Intentions: How a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Competency Framework Leads to Improvements in Teacher Preparation. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy, 100079. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sel.2025.100079

Preservice teacher preparation programs are a critical, but as yet unmined, pressure point for systemic educational change, particularly related to new teachers’ development of social, emotional, and cultural competences. This article describes how three innovative teacher preparation programs are now leading the way to the integration of social and emotional learning (SEL) and culturally responsive practices in their programs. The programs described include the CalStateTEACH hybrid teacher credential initiative, the Minneapolis School District Special Education Teacher Licensure program, and the statewide effort in Oregon to leverage new teacher credentialing. These three programs have helped to identify three key levers for programmatic change: (1) individuals in a variety of organizational positions who serve as champions; (2) a coalition of the willing who together support change, and (3) a “carrot and stick” approach to effect desired policy and programmatic shifts.

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