How do you find clarity on your path? Ginwright proposes that clarity comes when “we shed all the barriers, confusion, distractions, amusements, and excuses that get in the way of what we really want” (p. 73). Can you carve out time this week to find stillness and shed some of these aspects, allowing yourself time to reflect on the questions that he poses below?
What am I creating? What am I building?
What is unclear, and what am I not seeing?
What is most important right now in this moment?
Is my ego making this unclear?
What do I most fear in this situation, and why?
What would my mentor do in this situation?
We can lose clarity when our ego gets in the way or we resist something that we are unaware of. We hope you and others you work with can take time to explore that which might be obstructing your sense of clarity on your path to making change happen.
In joy for the work,
The CRTWC Team