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February 2025: Newsletter

At this moment, you might be finding yourself in a dust storm of uncertainty. Rapid changes are taking place across the landscape of education, impacting teaching, research, and the way we support educators and students. It is important that we take time (more than ever) to find clarity and to…

January 2025 Newsletter

As we look back on 2024, we at the Center have so much to be grateful for and to feel a sense of accomplishment about. Much thanks to you, our incredible community! Here are a handful of our endeavors from the past year…

Anchor Competency Focus: “Foster Self-Reflection”

One of our Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC) colleagues recently shared that when she decided as a college undergrad to become a high school teacher, one of the first responses she often would hear from others is “Wow, you will have the summers off!”. There is…

Anchor Competency Framework Focus: “Create Community”

Our Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC) May Newsletter opened with us sharing about the ‘why’ behind the creation of the CRTWC Anchor Competency Framework. Since our last newsletter, we had the incredible opportunity to enact our collective "why" through a 2-day ‘in-person’ Kick-Off Retreat with a group of teacher educators in Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS). 

Anchor Competency Framework Focus:  “Context Equates to Culture”

In Chapter 1 of “Teaching with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens,” Nancy Markowitz and Suzanne Bouffard (2020) present the case for using a social, emotional and cultural lens in teaching. In this newsletter, we would like to take a moment to revisit the ‘beginnings’ of the Anchor Competencies Framework…

Anchor Competency Framework Focus: Developing the Lens

The Center for Teaching & Reaching the Whole Child’s Anchor Competency Framework is designed to develop the social, emotional, and cultural lens or mindset of educators through an iterative process that involves: Exploring assumptions and beliefs Modeling Providing Practice Reflecting

Context: The Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens

View on Mailchimp Subscribe Throughout this next year, the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child will take you along a journey on how to unpack and consider the development of a social, emotional, and cultural lens. To do so, we started in our last newsletter with examining the…

What Is Your “Why”?

View on Mailchimp Subscribe We hope you have had an opportunity to visit our newly designed website – a place for us to showcase our work and highlight new developments happening at the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC). The design has been organic and surely it will continue to…

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